
It wouldn’t be right to get started without introducing myself. 

My name is Ebi, I am a Photographer based in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. 

I love film photography and have dedicated a big part of the most recent part of my life to shooting and learning a lot about the world of film photography. 

I have gone through situations in life that have led me to where I am today, including a long stint on Tumblr's pages and learning photography by myself. Falling in love with photography was unexpected for me and for the last 10 years, it’s been my thing. I’m happiest when I have a camera in my hand.

This medium has been in my life for as long as I can remember, but it didn’t truly become a part of my vision until late 2015 when my daughter was born and I bought my first camera. I bought that camera, a Nikon D7100, solely to document her life from birth, and in many ways, I’m still working on that project. 

In the years that have passed, the camera has never really left my hands, and I’ve pursued many paths that have opened up for me simply because I had a camera in my hand. I’ve taken on concerts, real estate, graduation, weddings, and street photography.

At some point in 2019 during the pandemic, and a boom in the real estate market, I found myself shooting more than I’ve ever shot and eventually, hating the idea of even touching a camera. Photography became associated with money and I lost the love for the art. I spent hours photographing and editing footage 6 days a week for almost a year. This took a huge toll on me mentally, leading to me dropping the camera for a year.

It wasn’t until November of 2020 that I found myself falling back in love with photography again. I started working in commercial post-production as a colorist and learned about the history of film through the 35mm, 16mm, and Super 8 mediums. It wasn’t until a friend of mine shot a portrait of me for my birthday and I saw the image on film did I decide to start shooting photography again, but this time on celluloid.

Since then I haven’t looked back with film photography consuming my every thought and action and that’s where this whole idea comes in. 

This is going to be a space where I share my explorations on everything encompassing the wonderful medium of film and how I interact with it. I want to talk about film stocks, film development, film prices, expired films, photography projects, darkroom printing, and everything this medium of film has brought into my life.

I hope you join me on this journey as I share with you my thoughts, feelings, processes, and images on what makes me tick as a photographer and lover of this thing we call film.



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